How to Secure Your Dedicated Servers from Hacking Proof

Initially, to protect the business, suitable policies should be acquired. Dedicated servers may be targeted by hackers as it provides numerous benefits compared to other web hostings. Protecting the servers is the primary step. If not secured, it may results in loss of enterprise in an incurable manner. Below example shows the process takes place in a hacking system of client business.

Client “A” buys the Cheapest dedicated hosting package

The client uploads financial data to the server

Predatory hacker infiltrates poorly secured data

Subsequent damage could destroy the business of Client “A”

Hacker installs monitoring software and recovers all sensitive data

The following are the ways to secure dedicated server from the hacking.

1. SSL and firewall

To protect the data, certain privileges can be applied. Required data can be accessed using SSL with those privileges.

The firewall acts as a layer between the local network and the Internet. Here firewall can block the harmful code and SSL provides access to transfer the encrypted data. It is a basic step to have a firewall to prevent DDoS attacks. For effective security use firewall along with SSL.

2. Interruption protection system

It is an improved security system works with the firewall as a set of two. It determines the traffic at the source and allows real traffic. Firewall reacts to hacking attempts, IPS is dynamic which means it takes decisions like to prevent the traffic, reviewing the connections, giving the indication to the administrator, etc.

3. Secure Passwords

In the case of passwords selection, Brute force techniques can track the most common or simple passwords. Selecting complex passwords can increase security. The complex passwords can be the combinations of lowercase and uppercase characters mixed with numbers and special characters. Attackers cannot track such complex passwords.

4. IP Whitelisting

Whitelisting of IPs allows access to only limited IPs thereby insignificant traffic is avoided. Only authentic and verified IP addresses can access the server.

5. Script Updates

Update the server scripts regularly. The performance of a server depends on server scripts and applications. These updates can help in overcoming the errors caused by earlier versions.
6. Server management

Proper management of hardware can result in best performance. Restricted access to the server can be the primary aspect.

It is the job of hosting provider to protect the server and network. This can be achieved using methods like IP blocking, spamming and mod security. So select the hosting provider who is accountable for software, hardware, proper system maintenance, technical support, monitoring, and updates.


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